Cheating women often lie about their activities to avoid suspicion. They may also lie to keep their partner in the dark so they can continue to stray.
Researchers from the University of Portsmouth found that men are twice as likely to consider themselves expert liars who can get away with things.
1. They are better with words
Women can tell a lie with better skill than men, especially when they are in the throes of infidelity. They can come up with a believable story and use body language to make it seem real. They may also give consistent explanations for where they are – such as working late when it isn’t really necessary.
Many women cheat because they are not satisfied with their primary relationship. They feel they have sacrificed themselves for the man they are with and want to find a more exciting lifestyle. Often this is a cover for other issues such as lingering feelings of trauma or unresolved childhood sexual abuse.
Skilled liars know how to use body language to their advantage, such as crossing their legs or looking down at the floor. They also tend to speak with a higher pitch to disguise their voice and they will avoid eye contact with you. Their tone of voice will sound more desperate as they try to convince you their story is true.

2. They are more sensitive
When it comes to cheating, many women are more sensitive. They tend to feel betrayed by emotional infidelity more than sexual infidelity. This is probably because women are more concerned about their mate’s potential to abandon them or divert attention to someone else.
It’s also because, according to research published in the journal Psychological Science, a woman’s instinctive feelings of jealousy might be more sensitive to cues that her partner is lying. These include things like the tiniest verbal conflict, which can trigger a heightened sense of suspicion that they’re being deceived.
Men, on the other hand, tend to compartmentalize sex and emotional intimacy. For many of them, a sense of relational intimacy is just as important as the sex—and sometimes more so. It’s this difference that can make them more likely to cheat on their spouses. Especially when they don’t feel like they’re getting the attention they deserve in their primary relationship. They’re looking for a way to fill in the gaps in their lives.
3. They are better at hiding their lies
Research shows that women are better at delivering white lies, or euphemistic untruths. They are more likely to use body language and intonation when they lie, and they can craft a believable story that will deceive their partner.
However, the ability to lie is a learned behavior. And it is not always a good thing. Lying can be a sign of low self-esteem, and it is often used by insecure people. It can also be a way to manipulate others and control their partner.
According to a study in Trends in Cognitive Sciences, some cues of dishonesty include gaze aversion, nervous movements, sweating, and anxiety. If you notice these signs in your partner, it might be time to take a closer look at her. She might be a skilled liar who is hiding her cheating ways from you. Or, she might just be a victim of her own insecurities and is struggling with feelings of neglect.
4. They are better at making up stories
According to a report in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, skilled liars can make up a story that sounds totally believable. They can even alter their tone of voice and body language to prevent their partner from suspecting that they are lying.
Feldman also notes that women tend to be more philanthropic liars than men, and they will often lie to save someone else’s feelings or reputation. For example, a woman might tell a white lie to her boyfriend about why she didn’t attend a family gathering.
One thing that may help explain why women are better liars is the fact that they process language differently than men. While men deal with language primarily through the left side of their brain, women use both hemispheres to process verbal information. This may mean that they can more effectively manipulate their partners by using a variety of cues, such as gaze aversion or nervous movements. They may also use more details than needed or ask for repeated requests in order to buy time while they are preparing their lies.